How often have you been to the funeral of someone you thought you knew and been amazed by the stories that come out? The quiet and gentle great-uncle who stormed an enemy machine-gun post to save his mates or the champion high-school sprinter whose Olympic dreams were dashed by an accident that explains why she always walked with a limp.

Though I’ve picked extreme examples, every person has a story to tell, and a life’s journey is the ultimate story. If not preserved those stories can die with their owner or be diluted or distorted by time.

A well-crafted memoir or family history is a precious gift for the subject, their family, friends, and the generations to come. It is also a tribute to their ancestors and a contribution to the social history of their time.

Working with you closely I will bring your subject’s story to life, giving it colour, vitality and durability. Check out how it works here, and if this is the kind of thing you are after, please let me know.