Your vision for the flavour and content of your project comes first, and while every project is different, the following is a typical process:

Initial Consultation

  • This phase is free and without obligation. It involve a face-to-face meeting, phone or video call to discuss your requirements, including the general shape and content of the booklet, including available client resources such as interviewees, photographs and documents.
  • Following the meeting I will provide notes of the discussion together with draft bullet points about the project aims and the process.
  • Once the draft has been agreed I will provide a fee proposal for the work. This could be on a fixed sum basis or an hourly rate. The sum will not include the graphic designer’s fee, which will be a separate engagement directly to the client.

Research Phase

This phase starts once the brief and fees have been agreed, and a deposit of 20% paid. I will then:

  • Hold discussions to gather names and contact details for all interviewees together with copies of relevant documents in either hard copy or electronic form.
  • Interview the relevant people, review the documents, and conduct my own research through avenues such as newspaper records, museums, image libraries and archive collections.
  • Visit places or premises of interest, including access to business premises with the client’s authorisation.
  • Prepare notes from the research and provide regular progress reports to the client.
  • Provide an outline of the project for client review prior to starting final writing.
  • Discuss the outline with the client and incorporate any required changes to the project structure or content.

Writing Phase

A 60% progress payment is payable prior to this phase, during which I will:

  • Write the final content including mockups of the final image selections, cover etc.
  • Engage on the client’s behalf a graphic designer to prepare the book layout. The designer’s contract will be directly with the client to agreed terms.
  • Liaise with the client re: any questions arising.
  • Provide a draft copy of the final book or booklet for review.


The final 20% of the fee is due on delivery of the final document. For this phase I will:

  • Incorporate any items arising from the client feedback.
  • Work with the graphic designer to finalise the final setout and look.
  • Arrange for and deliver the required number of copies for the final product.
  • Furnish a PDF copy of the documents to enable future copies or distribution by the client as needed.